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Newton Contacts
Please find below the main contact details for organisatons connected with Newton. Please contact the Clerk should there be anything further that you require.
All Saints Church PCC
Fr Rob Parker-McGee 01787 210434
Art Club
Contact Carol Langley 01787 373548
Babergh District Council
0300 1234000
Babergh District Councillor
Lee Parker 01787 376073
Fireside Club
Contact Moira Evans 01787 374652
Flower Club
Sue Presland 01787 379204
Newton Green Golf Club
Kerry Burn 01787 377217
Newton Green Trust
Secretary Lisa Tinsley-Thomas
Suffolk County Council
0845 606 6067
Suffolk County Councillor
James Finch 01206 262993
Tree Warden
Peter Schwenk 01787 210838
Village Hall Management Committee
Chairman Alan Vince 01787 373963
Bookings Secretary Alan Vince 01787 373963 Mobile 07955 199000