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Newton Parish Council
The Council
The Councillors, who undertake their duties voluntarily, are supported by the Parish Clerk.
Code of Conduct
In accordance to the Localism Act 2011 ss 26 to 37, Newton Parish Council at its meeting on 25th May 2022 adopted LGA Councillors Code of Conduct 2022. You can view a copy of the Councillors' Register of Interests on this website or Babergh District Council's.
General Power of Competence
Newton Parish Council adopted the GpoC at its meeting on the 17th May 2023.
Parish Council meetings are normally held on the second Wednesday of each month starting in January. All Newton residents are invited and encouraged to attend the meetings, with a Public Forum at the start of each meeting. The Parish Council meetings are held in Newton Village Hall, start at 7.30pm and normally finish by 9.30pm.
The draft minutes of Newton Parish Council minutes are published to the newsletters and on this website within 4 weeks of the meeting being held.
Roles of Councillors
Councillors Evers and Taylor are members of the HR Committee.
Councillors Everett, Schwenk and Sherwood are members of the Standards Committee.
Councillors Taylor and Evers are the council's representatives on the Newton Green Trust.
Councillor Schwenk is the council's representative on the Village Hall Management Committee.
Councillor Everett is the Suffolk Association of Local Councils representative.
Alston & Plampin Charity
Sue Presland, Maureen Williams and Janet Taylor are the council's nominations to form the Alston & Plampin Charity.
Contacting the Parish Clerk
The Parish Clerk can be contacted at any reasonable time during the day, Monday to Friday, Bank Holidays excepted. 01787 375085 Clerk email