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Why Newton requires a Neighbourhood Plan
To introduce you all to why we require a neighbourhood plan, and how collectively as a village we have one key aim is to ensure we utilise our collective knowledge of the village to achieve a sustainable plan for the forth coming 18 years aligning with the growth opportunities and unique offering this Hinterland village presents us every day
The plan will be developed by a volunteer committee but the committee can only produce a plan with your support and interaction, over the coming weeks & months we will be speaking to you all, ensuring you have all available means to communicate, interact and be an integral part of the plan
The plan will take around two years to produce, looking at the following:
History of the Village
Our Boundaries and growth opportunities for the community
Environmental aspects – Footpaths, recreational & leisure facilities
Future of your village.
I feel sure with some interesting challenges along the way, with young, old, local businesses and community engagement I hope you will understand and achieve the best for our village and everyone who lives and visits on a daily basis
Once we all agree the plan we will then be able to integrate our plan into Babergh planning policy
We look forward to working with you all.
Barry Coleman